So are you know I've been battling serious shedding post pregnancy. This is due to decrease in hormones after you deliver. Well my shedding has been out of control for far too long and I have made the decision to decrease this shedding once and for all.
Well round one took place with the black tea rinse. I only tried it once and I didn't see any improvement with my shedding. The process was messy and I decided I didn't want to try it again unless absolutely necessary. I've been doing done extensive research and I have seen a few remedies. Some that come to mind are black tea rinses, garlic conditioners and shampoos (Alter Ego and Nutrine), and garlic oil treatments. I decided that my next battle will be garlic conditioner.
My next option would be to make my own. So I went on a hunt for garlic capsules. This would be the easiest way for me to open the capsules and pour the powder in my conditioner. Well that hunt did not go well. I found gels, but no capsules. So a thought came to my mind; I wonder if I can use garlic powder from the kitchen? Well low and behold I found a recipe on LHCF. I decided to do it as a pre-poo so I could mask the smell of garlic with my shampoo, conditioner, and leave it. I was hoping something would eventually mask the smell. So I went to work.
My Garlic Conditioner pre-poo
Pantene pro V for natural and relaxed hair- enough to saturate my hair
2.5 tsp of garlic powder
About 1.5 tsp of EVOO
I applied it as if applying a relaxer. I sectioned my hair and added it to my scalp, new growth, than entire strand. I put on a plastic cap and let it sit for about two hours. Call me crazy but I think I had considerable less shedding than I was having. I will give you an update as the week progresses.
I clarified my hair and did a light protein treatment. I d/c without heat for about 3 hours then I did a braid-out. The products I used are listed in my regimen tab.
Hope you get the shedding under control soon!