Monday, January 23, 2012

The War Between Natural and Relaxed Hair

I'm so over the debate between natural vs relaxed hair. I seriously roll my eyes when I see videos on things so-n-so says about relaxed/natural hair. I get that it's suppose to be funny, but all I see is self-destruction within the African American community. Yes, I took it there. This is just another way we, Black women, bash one another. First it was color coalitions and now we have migrated to the way people choose to wear their hair.

The way a person chooses to wear their hair does not make one superior over the other. It's just hair!!!! Instead of focusing on hair we should be uplifting one another. It's bad enough that we have it hard already! Then we let something as superficial as hair add to it! Just because ones hair is relaxed does not make them better. Just because ones hair is natural does not make them more black or cultured.

It's fine to be happy and proud of your hair, but don't let this become something negative. So relaxed ladies stop trying to pressure relaxers on the naturals. Naturals stop trying to pressure going natural on relaxed women. This does not mean you can't give information on your preferred method of hair. Just accept when someone declines the information or shows no interest. Whether you wear your hair natural or relaxed it can still be healthy and grow! If you think otherwise then you are misinformed!


  1. Yes I agree. I didn't watch any of the what RELAXED girls say to Natural women videos. And what really gets me is the ppl who do posts like yours, make videos sayin the same thing "I don't care, stop it, etc" but they only watch other naturals. They only do video responses to naturals. They only use products for "natural hair." Like wtf?! You clearly ARE only for natural hair...and then try to fake the funk like you aren't. Silly. So. Over. It. If I ever "go natural" I swear to God I won't use that term. I'll say unrelaxed, unstraightened, virgin, ANYTHING BUT going natural because at this point, it carries a negative connotation. You know I may do a video about that...

    1. I never looked at it that way, but I must say I agree. The word natural has grown to have a negative connotation.

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. PREACH!!!!

    You are so right. Instead of picking sides, we should all be learning more about our hair and having fun. We should not be "shamed" into anything.

    Oh.. and it doesn't matter if I'm relaxed or natural, I will always pull out my umbrella in the rain. I don't want to get wet or catch cold. Folks are killing me with the whole natural girls don't need umbrellas:-) ((I just had to get that off my chest)) LOL

    1. Yeah I can't stand to be wet too! Natural or not I'm grabbing my umbrella. It's not only your hair that gets wet when it rains.

  4. *applauds* I have to agree, Blutiful! I'm not sure why we've become so intolerant of each other's HAIR choices but it seems to be something that's really hotly debated. I love all hair, be it natural or relaxed, but I feel like a lot of other ladies don't feel that way. It's sometimes challenging to be supportive of those who don't show the same love but c'est la vie.
